Participants, some carrying American flags, marching in the civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. Photo by Peter Pettus, Library of Congress.
“If people understood that it was ordinary people who did everything that needed to be done in the movement, instead of thinking, I wish we had a Martin Luther King now, they would ask, ‘What can I do?’ Idolizing just one person undermines the struggle.” Diane Nash
Diane Nash, Civil Rights Activist
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Rachel and Jackie Robinson
John Lewis, Civil Rights Activist, Politician
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Medgar Evers, Civil Rights Activist
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Nina Simone, Civil Rights Activist, Composer, Musician
Tommie Smith & John Carlos, Civil Rights Activists, 1968 Olympic Medalists
The Greensboro Woolworth Sit In: David Richmond, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair Jr., Joseph McNeill
Katherine Johnson, Civil Rights Pioneer
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