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US History LA: NAACP Research Assignment: Equal Justice

Resources to support the NAACP research assignment.

Flag, announcing lynching, flown from the window of the NAACP headquarters on 69 Fifth Ave., New York City

Flag, announcing lynching, flown from the window of the NAACP headquarters on 69 Fifth Ave., New York City

Anti Lynching

Anti-Lynching Campaigns


The NAACP & the fight against Racial Violence (3:31)

July 28, 1917 Silent Protest Parade, Fifth Avenue, New York City (1:45)


Fair Enforcement of Laws

The fight for equal justice in Criminal Courts

Moore v Dempsey (1922)

Life of Scipio Africanus Jones (8:36)

Scottsboro Boys (1932)

The Scottsboro Boys (7:40)

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