"The Triumph of Truth is a portrait of James Beattie (1735–1803), a Scottish poet, philosopher, and Professor of Moral Philosophy. The book under his left arm, entitled ‘Truth’, and the title of the painting both refer to the Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth, which Beattie published in 1770."
For more on Kant's thoughts about dinner parties (and he has many), click Here
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"Mermaids (and, less usually, mermen) were presented as three-dimensional curiosities in European drawing-rooms and popular sideshows from at least the seventeenth century. A significant number of these seem to have originated in East Asia, especially in Japan. Such 'mermen' consist of the dried parts of monkeys, with fish tails, probably on wood cores."
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Denis Diderot was the father of the encyclopedia.
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