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English 383 AP Language & Composition - Definition Argument Essay: Research Resources

Geralt. Definition Books Library Bookshelf Shelf. 13 Aug. 2015. Pixabay, 13 June 2019, Accessed 26 Nov. 2019. 

Helpful Databases

Use OED to find the term's etymology, all definitions of the term over the last 1,000 years, and published examples of the term's usage over time.

Use Gale Reference eBooks learn about your term through the lens of subjects such as philosophy, religion, linguistics, music, etc and to access supplemental materials for The Great Gatsby.

Use Oxford Reference Online to search Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions and Encyclopedias and learn about your term through the lens of subjects such as philosophy, religion, linguistics, music, etc.

Helpful Websites

Excellent source for current events and news. You have unlimited access as a GBS student. 

Magazine known for its in-depth, well-researched articles.

Longreads features substantive articles from hundreds of publishers.

Digital Magazines with Flipster

View digital versions of Time, The Atlantic, Sports Illustrated and more.

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