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English 273 - Greek Research (Oedipus): Tragedians


Mortel, Richard. "Aeschylus, Roman copy of a Greek original, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen." Image. Flickr, 30 Jun. 2017, 


1. Who were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides?

2. How did Sophocles break with tradition in the writing and performance of Greek tragedy?

3. Why is Sophocles one of the most revered Greek playwrights in history?



World Eras - "Sophocles" (click on image below).  

Search for tragedians and Greek tragedy in search box on left side.

World Eras, 2001


Oxford Companion to Classical Literature -"Tragedy" (click on image below).

The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature$

Use search box on left.

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