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Sociology 161: Crime and Deviance--Semester Final Project: Scholarly Research and Think Tanks

Research Tips for News/Events Research

Tips for reading a scholarly article

Policy Institutes

Click on the image to see the Full Size version of the chart

Database & other Scholarly Resources

Databases and Scholarly Resources

Resources on this page marked with a key key require ID number and password for home access

Influential Political Think Tanks and Research Centers

Think Tanks and Research Centers

 Harvard Kennedy School Think Tank Search

Think Tank Search is a custom Google search of over 1200 think tank websites.

For the purposes of this search, think tanks are defined as institutions affiliated with universities, governments, advocacy groups, foundations, non-governmental organizations, and businesses that generate public policy research, analysis, and activity. 

PRO TIP: Always look at the "About Us" page and the organization's mission statement to find out what a think tank's biases and goals are. See the chart on the left for more details 

Influential Think Tanks/Policy Centers

Non-partisan does *not* mean that an organization does not have a political agenda; many do and some do not (notably, the Pew Research Center, which bills itself as a "fact tank" to highlight this difference). Be sure to look at the organization's mission statement and the "about us" sections of the site. 

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